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  • How many years have you been practicing?
    Started apprenticeship in 2009. Worked with many midwives and received license in 2018.
  • How many babies do you delivery on average yearly?
  • Where did you receive certification?
    NARM PEP process
  • Do you take CE (continuing education) classes ?
  • Are you state licensed?
    Yes in Tennessee and Virginia
  • How often will I have appointments scheduled?
    Appointments are every 4 weeks until 28 weeks. Every 2 weeks from 28 weeks to 36 and weekly thereafter
  • What will happen during each appointment?
    Each visit is 45 minutes to an hour long. Most of the visit is like a visit with a friend . I like to cover all aspects of your growing family. Family and children are welcome and encouraged to participate. all the standard care like blood pressure, listen to baby with a doppler or fetoscope, urine dip.
  • Can I bring a family member(s) to my appointments?
    All visits done in your home. You can invite anyone you like to your appointments or birth
  • Do you have/use a fetoscope
  • Do you require an ultrasound and/or vaginal exams?
    No vaginal exams are ever required. Ultrasound is not required but encouraged at 20 weeks.
  • Do you require the gestational diabetes test?
    It is highly encouraged to test for gestational diabetes.
  • Do you test for GBS+?
    Testing is offered. A positive result does not risk you from home birth.
  • What does the 1st hour after birth look like?
    During the first hour vitals will be taken on you and baby frequently as well as delivery of the placenta and checking for bleeding. Baby will stay skin to skin with a parent. I try to stay out of the way as much as possible so you can get acquainted with your new baby. There is no rush to cut cord or exam the newborn other than basic vitals.
  • How do you handle situations when the baby is breech?
    During the later weeks of pregnancy encouraging baby to turn. If possible setting up an external version. I do have training in breech delivery's.
  • How long after my due date do you allow women to go?
    Case dependent but generally 42 weeks and a few days.
  • Can I have a home birth in an apartment, town home,trailer,hotel?
    Yes birth is not very messy and even if you think your loud its usually not. Birth can happen anywhere .
  • Can I or my partner catch baby?
    Yes absolutely I encourage it.
  • Have you completed training in neonatal resuscitation?
    es current NRP and CPR
  • Have you ever lost a baby or mother during a delivery?





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